Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)

FOIA is the state Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). Under the Illinois Freedom of Information Act (5 ILCS 140), records in possession of public agencies may be accessed by the public upon written request. Pursuant to 5 ILCS 140, Section 2 ( c ), a public record is any records, reports, forms, writings, letters, memoranda, books, papers, maps, photographs, cards, tapes, recordings, electronic data processing records, electronic communications recorded information and all other documentary materials pertaining to the transaction of public business, regardless of physical form or characteristics, having been prepared by or for, or having been or being used by, received by, in the possession of or under the control of any public body.

Some records are, however, not subject to release via the FOIA process; these types of records are described under 5 ILCS 140, Section 7 (1) (a) thru (y). And some records may also be subject to confidentiality provisions imposed by other state statutes; the FOIA process for disclosure of information does not supercede these other applicable statutory and judicial mandates.

How to submit a FOIA request:

Attn: FOIA Officer
Office of the Governor
555 W. Monroe Ave., 16th Floor
Chicago, IL 60661

To locate FOIA contact information for other state agencies, please visit the FOIA Contacts Page


This website information concerning the FOIA is being provided as required by Section 4 of the FOIA (5 ILCS 140/4). This website information may be revised and/or updated in the future.

Additional Resources

Certain records of our office are available immediately and links to those records are below:

Fees associated with FOIA

The first 50 pages of black and white, legal or letter sized copies of records requested are free. Anything that surpasses 50 pages is generally 15 cents per page. If, for some reason, copies of records are provided to a requester that is not on black and white, legal or letter sized paper, the Governor's office will charge a fee that will not exceed the actual cost of reproduction.

For more information on the guidelines used to charge fees related to FOIA, please see Section 6 of the Act.