8 Rules for Going Into Business with Friends

I’ve handled my share of business contract disputes between partners, and I’ve noticed that an alarming number of the litigants are former best friends – who ultimately each lawyered up against the other.

The impulse to start a business with your friends is understandable. You trust them, and you probably conceived of the business idea together. The vast majority of these enterprises work out very well. However, we business litigation attorneys rarely see those success stories in our office.

Instead, we are invited to become involved when the relationship and/or business has become unpleasant. Having seen many of such cases, here are eight brief bits of advice, or rules, for those thinking about going into business with friends:

  1. Write It All Down.
    If nothing else, do this! Often, partners have an idea and get right to work. They file the necessary paperwork to form a corporation, which includes the most important details (ownership shares, contributions, etc.). But it’s very important to get as much into writing as you can. What happens if one partner wants to leave the business? What happens if one partner would like to bring in more owners? How will additional contributions be accounted for? Which leads to my second point…
  2. Know In Advance How You’ll Handle Disagreements.
    Ultimately, partners will face a disagreement in which neither will back down. It could be over an additional owner, a new menu item, or how to spend marketing money. How will this dispute be resolved? Will one of the partners have final say? Often businesses begin with each partner assuming that they will make all decisions within the area of their specific skill set – but when decisions made within that area affect the company, few partners will stand idly and remain quiet. Try to know in advance how the thorniest of disputes will be resolved.
  3. Make Sure The Finances Are Overseen By A Third Party.
    Hiring a trustworthy third party to handle your bookkeeping (rather than either partner) may seem at first glance as a sign of distrust, but it is actually a good way to increase your trust. It will head off any nagging, late-at-night, worries that a partner may have about finances – not just embezzlement, but “cooking” the numbers to inflate profits. If all the partners can trust the business’s financial reports, then a possible bone of contention is removed.
  4. Agree to Specific Metrics, If Possible.
    Expectations are a big part of happiness. It is certainly important that you and your partners are each able to manage and meet expectations, but the first step in that direction is to establish them in the first place. Metrics are helpful here. If you pledge to devote 20 hours a week to the venture, it will be easy for your partner to see that you are fulfilling your commitment to the business (and vice-versa). Again, this will help to head off any nagging concerns that one partner isn’t pulling his or her weight. So make very clear, and put into writing, the specific metrics that will define your respective commitments to the business.
  5. Understand Your Appetites For Risk, And Consider Caps.
    Starting most any business is an inherently risky endeavor, but different people have a different stomach and/or bank account for risk. It’s a good idea to be clear about the ceiling each partner has for risk, and to commit that to writing. A struggling business often requires unexpected and unwanted contributions from its owners to keep it afloat. Partners should consider committing into writing, if possible, their maximum mandatory contribution during hard times. With that said, the partners should also contemplate how to handle a scenario in which one partner contributes more resources than the other – do the shares of ownership change above a certain threshold? If they are loans, in what priority will the loans be repaid?
  6. Make Sure Your Families Are On Board.
    While good friends are very devoted to one another, it goes without saying that each friend will be even more devoted to his or her family. For this reason, each business partner’s respective family will play a large role in the success or failure of the company. After you and your partner reach a common understanding of your expectations for and roles within the company, make sure that your families share those expectations. How many hours a week will be expected of you? What financial resources will be required? If these aren’t understood at the onset, you may find yourself torn between your family and your business partner, which is a sure recipe for trouble.
  7. Brainstorm To Make Sure You’ve Accounted For Every Possibility.
    Well-written formation documents will, in a round-about way, account for virtually every possibility that the future holds, be it the death or insolvency of one partner, a fire or catastrophic event, a lawsuit against the business, a divorce, and everything in between. I encourage aspiring owners to try to dream up as many crazy scenarios as they can, and review the documents to ensure that they provide an answer as to how these scenarios would affect the company.
  8. Consider Retaining An Attorney.
    This may seem self-serving, but if you have the resources, it’s a very good idea to consult an attorney to assist you in the creation of your business. An experienced attorney will be able to guide you through the various issues that you’ll want to address in advance. As a business litigation attorney, I can attest that money spent on an attorney at the onset of the venture will often save a much larger legal expense down the road – as well as potentially preserve a friendship!

Written by Callagy Law Partner Jeffrey Zane, Esq.

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